Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Joe Six Pack - Thanks, But, No Thanks!

Sarah Palin's latest defense against critics who complain about her lack of experience is as follows:

“I think they’re just not used to someone coming in from the outside saying you know what -- it’s time that normal Joe Six Pack American is finally represented in the position of vice presidency,” she said. “And I think that that’s kind of taken some people off guard, and they’re out of sorts, and they’re ticked off about it, but it’s motivation for John McCain and I to work that much harder to make sure that our ticket is victorious.”

Guess what Gov. Palin? You're absolutely correct! I DO NOT want Joe Six Pack running my country. It's nothing against Joe and his 5 other friends, I'm Jane Six Pack, and so are my friends. However, I think the people who govern the 300 million of us Americans should probably be better than average. I don't want a doctor who earned C's, a teacher who can't spell, or a lawyer with a criminal background, and I certainly don't want average or less for my President(s).

You don't have to be Joe Six Pack to get Joe Six Pack. Yo uhave to have similair values, ideals, families, homes and cars. Oops, was that plural. I mean Home and Car.

Here are some more reasons, Joe Six Pack should not run our country:

They vote in heavier numbers for American Idol than for the presidency

A whopping majority of them believed Iraq was responsible for 911

They care about what private and public citizens do in the secrecy of the bedroom

They lose when playing "Are you Smarter than a 5th grader?"

They're too embarassed to discuss the birds and the bees explicitly and inturn have pregnant teenagers

They purchase inflatable holiday decorations

They don't realize we are the only country, I repeat only country to drop TWO
nucleur weapons

YouTube and MySpace are ranked higher in hits than Wikipedia (also in top ten) and any news organizations.

Time Magazine is listed at 10 for sales and readership, but Readers Digest, Better Homes & Gardens, and even PEOPLE magazine are listed amongst 1-9. Playboy and ESPN Magazine appear in the top 25, but Time is the ONLY news magazine in the top 25.

Some of them, like you, even beleive, that working hard, earning scholarships and going to a top tiered, ivy-league school is no longer the American Dream.

So please, Joe and Jane Six Packs alike. We sit in the stands and watch the Major Leagurers play without any doubt that we could not do better. It's time to know our role and do the same with the Presidency; let the Major Leagurers run the game.

1 comment:


Hasn't Joe Six Pack been president for the last eight years? (Sort of an elite silver spoonish Joe Six Pack, but still a 'let's have a beer with him' kind of guy.) And we all see how well that's turned out.