Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Country First: Why John McCain's Age & Health Matters

Watching last nights debate, I couldn't stop myself from thinking: "Wow, John McCain really looks old."

Now, you all should know that I was fortunate enough to meet John McCain after a speech he delivered in 2004 at the University of Detroit Mercy Law School. I was there representing 'Rock the Vote' and McCain made it a point to thank me for registering voters. We chatted for a couple of minutes. I remembered noticing then, his poor handshake (as a result of his treatment as a POW), his height (barely taller than I at 5'3 1/2") and his skin. Prior to his recent campaign for presidency and his new found loyalty to our current President, John McCain was always my favorite Republican. I may have even voted for him in 2000.

But last night, watching him walk around in the town hall setup, next to Barack Obama, his age was glaringly obvious, and not in a kind or flattering way. Let's face the facts, if he is elected, he will be the oldest president ever, and he has/had cancer.

I assume that by this point in their lives, Cindy & John have settled their wills, created trusts and funeral arrangements in order to make their passing more bearable or easy for their children. They put their "Family First."

John McCain claims to put "Country First" throughout this campaign, however his selection of Sarah Palin for VP running mate would hardly make the potential passing of a president easier on the children of this nation, the voters. His real strategy is "Election First." Had he chosen Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, Tim Pawlenty, Tom Ridge, Olympia Snowe or the other host of people available to him, he could have continued his "Country First" campaign. They could have been his will, his trust, his estate. However, Palin seems uncertain of what McCain's strategy, desires, goals, and opinions are. How can she carry out what John McCain believes is best for this country if she herself is unsure?

Noone wishes death upon McCain, however, death in this election could be a reality. McCain should have used his judgement to make sure his children were taken of.

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