Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Hypocritical Ol' Party - THE GOP

I have noticed more so this political season than any other that the hypocricy of the GOP (furthermore reffered to as the HOP) is at insanely high numbers.

Now, I should mention before I continue that while I am a party-line Democrat, in 2000 I did vote for McCain in the primary and may have even voted for him in the Presidential Election as well. However, as everyone knows, the Maverick McCain is a man we no longer see. The Original Maverick died in 2000 with his presidency bid when he realized his days of original thoughts would never elect him and only strict adherance to Evangelical Christian views would.

When interviewed earlier this year Palin said: "When I hear a statement like that coming from a woman candidate with any kind of perceived whine about that excess criticism or, you know, maybe a sharper microscope put on her, I think, man, that doesn’t do us any good. Women in politics, women in general wanting to progress this country. I don’t think it’s, it bodes well for her -- a statement like that."
However, every bat of a Democrat's eye is sexist.
So, Governor Palin . . . stop whining! My opinion is simple and it's this. If race and gender didn't matter, we would have had a black female president by now. But they do. And you will be treated unfairly. It's part of the game. Playing the sexist card will not help you in the long run.

McCain uses the same line on Hillary Clinton that Obama used for his campaign, but when Obama uses it, it's sexist.

Critiques of Palin's experience are sexist, but critiques of Obamas experience is not racist?

2) SEX
Bill O Reilly on Jamie Lynn Spears pregnancy:
"“The blame falls primarily on the parents of the girl, who obviously have little control over her,” O’Reilly said."
Bill O Reilly on Bristol Palin's pregnancy:
"Now, the latest thing is that people like me don't condemn Palin's family but we condemn other people who, uh, gave birth out of wedlock. I've never condemned anybody who gave birth out of wedlock. Ever in my life. I don't make those kinds of determinations. What I do say and, this nut Cynthia Tucker in the Atlanta Journal Constitution makes a deal out of this, I said that Britney Spears and what's her sister's name who's pregnant, their parents were irresponsible - Jamie Lee - because they were running around unsupervised.

"Yeah, I said that and I believe it. It has nothing to do with the Palin situation, okay? So, I mean, it just, it really, it makes me angry."

Gee, that "abstenance only education" really worked well!

I have the numbers at home but to see if my boyfriend was right, I went though and counted the number of yeah and nay votes for both Obama and McCain during the last congressional session to now. Obama has voted 1.5 more time than McCain. Lazy Congress who McCain

I'm running out of lunch time, but in the past McCain always said abortion should be decided by the state, not the country. So why is he now supporting an overturn of Rowe vs. Wade? Why is he now campaigning with a woman who thinks women who are raped should also be forced to carry and deliver that child? Talk about punishing a victim!


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