Wednesday, September 3, 2008

PUMA - shut up and sit down!

1) The argument that she was treated unfairly because she is a woman is really a null and void argument when you lose to a black man with an Arabic name.

i.e. Curious George t-shirts with his campaign slogan
Bill Clinton saying Obama won the Carolinas because he's black
Fox News saying Michelle Obama may be lynched.

The truth of the matter is race, gender and religion do play a part in today's politics. It shouldn't, but it does and it sucks. When you fit into one of these categories and run for office you do so knowing you're the underdog. Knowing cheap shots will be had at you. Doesn't make it right - but until we the people are willing to do somthing about it, it will continue on. Disagree, ask the State Rep who swore in on the Quran, Shirley Chisholm and even Mitt Romney. They'll agree with me, even if it has to be off the record.

2) Fundamentally, Barack Obama and HRC are not that far apart ideologically. However, if you believe that the next best thing to HRC is truly an Anti-Choice, Pro-WAR WAR WAR, Pro-NAFTA, Anti-Working Class and Workers, Anti-Gay Union, Pro-Oil Companies, Pro-Big Business, Pro Tax Cuts for the "Wealthy as the Hiltons elitists" 72 year old whose response for every question from Music to Healthcare is "I was a POW" than perhaps you should reconsider your party alignment because none of that fits under our umbrealla."

Now, I have always respected Senator McCain. I have always thought him to be the "lesser of the evils" as far as Republicans are concerned (so to speak). However, since 2004 he has supported George Bush's policy 77% of the time and in 2007 he supported him 95% of the time! 95% of the time! But he now claims, we're worse off than we were 4 years ago - so why did you agree with the administration 77% of the time overall! Also, being in war, and being a POW does earn yourself more kudos than I could possibly write. However, it doesn't qualify you 100% to be President, nor does it justify every answer you to every question of every interview.

3) This isn't Florida in 2000. Obama won fair & square. He got the most votes, he got the most delegates.

Michigan (where I'm from) and Florida (where my sister is) don't count. They broke the rules. Did any of you complain like this when NE lost the superbowl. No, why? The Giants just outscored them. Bottom line.

4) And I have always been a Clinton fan. I am an HRC fan, even though I didn't support her presidential bid. However, the Clintons are not entitled to anything but what they are voted into. She was voted into the Senate, just not the Oval Office.

The entire system of democracy was created so not to create empires and theocrats like the Clinton's and the Bush's. This is truly a celebration of the system working for once. Their was a fair fight, and in the end, the person who earned it got it. No machine politics, no family bias.

5) The Clinton's only have themselves to blame for their loss.
a) Clinton's staff is saying she didn't have a chance early on, but the campaign intentionally made it seem like she did. You were led on. She couldn't have caught up.
b) Bill couldn't keep his emotions in check. Which is not a positive when running for office. At primary day at the polls, I was accosted by my mayors mother for not supporting her son. It made the campaign look petty, pathetic and weak.
c) The campaign underestimated many many things: Obama's popularity and threat as an opponent, the even larger utilization of the intranet since 2004, and the desire for change. HRC does offer change from Bush's policies, but she is still a First Lady, and change only goes so far when you've lived in the big White House.

6) Not really a PUMA issue, but one I want to comment on on the record anywho . . . WHY IS IT A BAD THING THAT OBAMA HAS BECOME A CELEBRITY?

If you can explain to me why it's BAD to have a popular candidate who has excited voters and volunteers in ways we haven't seen since Bobby Kennedy? I don't get it. Should be continue on with politicians nobody cares about and everybody assumes are full of poop? Shouldn't we demand this type of hype about all of our presidential nominees? I would much rather have a candidate who excites me than one who leaves me stale, wanting more.


I urge you all. . . . put your bitterness aside. You don't need to campaign for Barack, or even post a yard sign. But think about your big ticket issues and ask yourself "Does McCain really have what I want in a candidate?" If you can't say yes, then cast accordingly. We can't afford another 4 years of failed politics, failed wars, failed economies at the hands of those who have nothing to lose.

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